Significant buoy readings 5am
3ft @ 8s from 44° (NE)
3ft @ 9s from 28° (NNE)
2.5ft @ 14s from 301° (WNW)
3.9ft @ 8s from 349° (NNW)
0.9ft @ 16s from 310° (WNW)
4.3ft @ 8s from 6° (N)
0.4ft @ 18s from 349° (NNW
1.4ft @ 17s from 198° (SSW)
As indicated by the readings of the NW, Waimea and Pauwela buoys and by their graphs below, a small NW swell should fill in in Maui throughout the day.
Nothing to be particularly excited, but it will be nice to see some slightly bigger period energy in the water. This morning though, still all about the northerly windswell which is now down to 4f 8s, getting close to the barely surfable threshold acceptance level. Specially if you just got back from a trip to Bali.
Lanai shows what it shows, I got a report of knee high plus waves at thousand peaks yesterday morning.
BTW, the time stamp of the buoy readings is all screwed up. I sent Surfline an email already, if you guys want to do the same, maybe they'll fix it.
Tough decision this morning on where to go surfing. When set cames (like in the right picture), Lahaina side could be fun, but it's pretty slow.
MC2km maps not updated yet, this is yesterday's run at noon, showing light wind.

Wind map shows a nice medium strength and pretty close NW fetch. That's a lot better than the last few days. Surfline only shows a bump of 2.8f 11s on Monday, IMO it should be bigger than that. We'll see!
South Pacific still pretty weak with only a fetch in the Tasman Sea. Fiji is going to have big waves starting tomorrow (10f 15s). An even bigger swell is predicted for next week. Don't get excited, we usually get very little energy out of those swells.
The Surfboard Shaping Workshop below starts Monday at the MACC. Still time to sign in. I'll be in it, I think I'll learn a lot of stuff. Download your free copy of Shape 3d and bring your computer if you want to join.

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