Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday 12 16 22 morning call

Will Hunt yesterday morning at Hookipa.

I just posted this video in which I use the Foil Drive to SUP foil with an Armstrong HA525.

7-8am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore

  • 2.1ft
    , 13s, SSW 195º


  • 1.7ft
    , 13s, S 190º

Decent southerly energy continues at the buoys. Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore

  • 11.4ft
    , 12s, NNW 330º
  • 7ft
    , 16s, NNW 330º
  • 3.3ft
    , 8s, NNW 335º


  • 7.7ft
    , 17s, NNW 335º
  • 2.6ft
    , 13s, NNW 335º


  • 5.9ft
    , 17s, NNW 330º
  • 3ft
    , 11s, NNE 15º
  • 1.7ft
    , 13s, N 10º


  • 3.9ft
    , 13s, NNE 25º

Large NNW swell picked up according to forecast. Below are the maps of December 14 though 16 that show the relatively near fetch that generated it.

Below is the Surfline forecast showing a peak during tonight at 10.5ft 15s from 326.

Home guess for Hookipa is for double overhead, rising to triple throughout the day and then possibly unsurfable by the end of the day.
The Vans Pipe contest is on.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

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