Friday, June 03, 2022

Friday 6 3 22 morning call

No photos from yesterday, this is Torrey Meister going right at La Perouse on May 31st, first day of the big south swell. Photo by John Patao.

5am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore
2.7ft at 14s SSW 195º

South swell keeps declining but it's still beautiful out there when the set comes. Check the Lahaina webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore
1.3ft @ 12s from 355° (N)

2.6ft @ 7s from 88° (E)

Flat conditions on the north shore.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map 
(circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.

North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific 
(about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

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