Hookipa yesterday at sunset. The waves were actually chest to head high when breaking on the reef.
Facebook memories brought back this picture I posted five years ago and even though there was no caption, I immediately recognized Lance's right. That was confirmed by checking my 2017 Mentawai trip posts in the labels section of this blog.
4am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.
South shore
1.4ft at 13s S 185º
South swell still trickling down and it's now to minimum terms. Check the Lahaina and Kihei webcam if interested, for
size, conditions and consistency.
North shore
0.8ft @ 15s from 322° (NW)
0.6ft @ 15s from 343° (NNW)
Tiny 15s NW energy at Waimea and Hanalei shouldn't make too much locally, other than the occasional belly to shoulder high long lines set. 5ft 9s of easterly windswell will be much more consistent and peaky and should show at Hookipa in the waist to occasional head high range.
Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.
Fetches map (circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.
North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):
South Pacific (about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):
Morning sky.
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