Sunday, May 08, 2022

Sunday 5 8 22 morning call

No photos from yesterday. This is one of the best windsurfing pictures I've ever seen: Kauli Seadi at Cloudbreak a few years ago. Didn't end up well.

This is something I just posted on the Foil Drive owners Facebook group:
I finally got over my laziness and changed the mast from the 85cm to the 72cm on my 5.0x26.5x90Lx10pounds wingboard that I'm now using for Foil Drive Plus assisted SUP foiling short downwinders. Below are two graphs to compare. The one with 9 touchdowns/falls/rests is with the 85 (the high speed spike is obviously a glitch), the one with 3 touchdowns/falls/rests is with the 72. The pumping and turning and overall control is so much more responsive with the shorter mast, that I ended up doing much better. So much better, in fact, that at the end of the three miles run I still had 89% (I couldn't believe it when I saw it!!!) left in the medium battery. That means that I'm now ready to use the small battery for this short run and I can't literally wait! I expect further improvements thanks to the reduced weight. Stay tuned.

5am Surfline significant buoy readings and discussion.

South shore
2.2ft at 13s S 180º

Barbers still shows some leftover energy from the south swell that lasted all week. Getting some of it might be an option today, as, after the abundance of this past week, we got absolutely nothing coming our way from the southern ocean. Below I tried to squeeze as many maps as possible (April 30 through May 7): not a single significant surf producing fetch.

Check the Lahaina and Kihei webcam if interested, for size, conditions and consistency.

North shore
2ft @ 10s from 357° (N)

7.7ft @ 9s from 86° (E)

Mostly windswell at the buoys. Get used to it, this NOAA page suggests: Surf along east facing shores will hold at or above normal levels through next weekend due the persistent moderate to strong trades over and upstream of the islands. Otherwise, surf along north, south, and west facing shores will remain small through next weekend.

Home guess for Hookipa is waist to chest high.

Wind map at noon. The other ones can be found here.

Fetches map 
(circles legend: red: direct aim, blue: angular spreading, black: blocked, yellow: possibly over the ice sheet) from Windy.

North Pacific (about 4 days travel time from the NW corner of the North Pacific):

South Pacific 
(about 7 days travel time from east/west of New Zealand):

Morning sky.

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