They finished experts single elimination and youth and amateur double elimination. No time for the double elimination of masters and women.
Camille dominated the experts and we'll start with him.
Then a bit of this...
Beautiful hair.
Kai Katchadourian sailed extremely well. The judges saw him fourth (behind Camille, Browsinho and Josh Stone), but I would have put him a little higher...
Very sweet.
During the youth final (Morgan won), Bernd got chased by this big gnarly one.
Amateur finalist Neil Turpin got very unlucky and got pushed on the rocks by a big set. That pretty much was the end of story and Jay Lee won the final.
Farmer Skyler.
This is the masters podium from the final party (Jimmie's gallery).
I am very impressed by the organization of the contest. BIG hats off to Sam Bittner!

good job!
GP thank you for your take on that final !! Opinions are flying haha ! All 4 finalists scored over 100, and it was 14 points that separated 1st to 4th. Worth the price of admission for sure. Tell you what, I would not have wanted to judge that one, much happier sailing in it !!
I really enjoyed watching the webcast of this contest, can you all do it again this weekend? GP, sorry I missed your heats and final. Jimmy did a great job posting up lots of photos, as always (yours were better though)
PS: The video summary's that KP does (?) - they rock!
I was watching online so of course I have a limited perspective, but from what I saw the judging felt a bit friends and family if you know what I mean. I thought Kai should have gotten two or maybe three. From here there were a bunch of other heats where guys that should have advanced got the shaft..... Russ Faurot ripped and got screwed.
Anyway enough already its awesome a comp is back in Maui! But next time choose unbranded judges!!!!!
As Kai says, the experts final was a very hard heat to judge. The only sure thing was that Camille won it. The others were extremely close.
Without lacking respect or insinuating absolutely anything, I agree that unbranded judges should be the rule for any contest.
This is going to be my main suggestion to Sam for next year's tour.
nice report !
What a stylish post, great job with the camera, keep'em coming!
Mucho Mahalo,
Great return (to blogging) and great placement! Saw the your very first heat live. Never saw Hookipa in such mellow conditions...
You're back!
I like the pics man, the waves and the curves ...
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