We had a really good strip of few days of no to light wind and beautiful mid period head high waves.
I took some surf photos after my session, but the beauty of this girl beats them all.
The close to shore buoys all went up during the night (I circled the rise) and this early morning's conditions were pristine, as the report from the beach (below this post) shows.
I gave it a 9. I surfed the point and middles and had a blast. Even received some compliments from a friend for a right, which is probably the first time ever.
Everything is possible you guys. I might even became a decent backside surfer one day.
4.6ft @ 11s from 330° (NW) at the Pauwela buoy at 9am in the meantime.
Below is the north Pacific wind map. I circled the main NW fetch, but there's at least 5 more small ones. I also put a line to indicate the position of a front that is between Kauai and Oahu right now.
Also notice the NNE direction of the winds following it.
Despite the fact that iWindsurf is already reading 14mph at 9.45am, and despite the decent direction shown in the noon MC2km map below, the flow seems to me to be too onshore to be a regular trade wind day.
Windsurfing (in my favorite form of slog and surf) might still happen though. We'll have to wait and see. Stay tuned for mid day updates from the beach. I promise.

Still a decent fetch going on down under, next week should be fun on the south shore, which btw is not flat either now.
That's the water vapor thing at 8.30am. The radar shows some rain on Oahu's north shore.
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